
The work of BOTPS is evident within the Old Town and our influence is felt throughout the town as a whole. The Society has:

  • Negotiated with Rother District Council [RDC] for a 125 year moratorium on building development at Barrack Hall Park, relocated the allotments and paid the entire redesign of the Park including improvements to the children’s play area.
  • Negotiated with East Sussex County Council [ESCC] and RDC and funded new brick pavements and appropriate lighting throughout the Old Town.
  • Purchased a long lease on the Esdaile Garden, situated behind the Church Street shops, landscaped the area and built a new wall and fitted a gate.
  • Purchased a collection of over 1,000 vintage postcards that show the development of Bexhill over the years and made them available on line.
  • Negotiated with RDC for the lease on the Manor Barn, and have successfully managed the Barn and carried out major works including re-roofing, replacement oak window frames and doors, guttering, refurbishment of the toilets and foyer, installation of a high pressure mist fire protection system, burglar alarm, installation of a large professional quality audio video facility and updating the kitchen facilities.
  • Repaired and maintained the Jubilee Clock and its belfry.

On a more visible level, we organise and  run a successful ‘May Day’ and ‘Christmas Fair’ for the benefit of the Old Town and the wider community, and also support ‘Bexhill in Bloom’. These events have become a fixture in the town’s calendar and are very popular. Click here to see photos from May Day 2015.

Through our continuation of the Phyllis Dunn Fund, we offer funding to support or complete preservation works upon historic Old Town buildings. These may be private homes or commercial premises. If an application is successful all works must conform with statutory regulations concerning old buildings, and be stylistically acceptable to the Board.  Click here to download a grant application form. Restrictions apply.